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Category: Mods and builds

Guide to help new players progress fast in Warframe

Guide to help new players progress fast in Warframe

Alright, so this post will have the purpose of helping all you new players who have a lot of questions and are not sure where to start – I have been where you are and I also have a solid idea for how I would do it if I were to create a new account nowadays, after having reached MR20 already and with the game knowledge that journey has given me. My hope is that I can now pass this…

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Loadouts and Configurations in Warframe

Loadouts and Configurations in Warframe

Alright so this article aims to explain how to become more efficient in Warframe by not having to always switch out mods depending on missions (Configurations) and how to pre-configure Warframe+Weapon setups in order to save time when about to enter missions. Configurations in Warframe Every Warframe, Archwing, Companion and Weapon in Warframe have something called “Configurations” (usually named A,B and C by default). And can be seen in the top of modding the piece of equipment you are working…

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Fighting High-level enemies in Warframe (level 100+)

Fighting High-level enemies in Warframe (level 100+)

So some of you might be curious to know how to fight against higher leveled enemies such as level 100+. Well the thing is, as enemies increase in level – they have a few stats which increase their survivability that always scales with levels – such as Armor and Shields mostly – but also other stats. Status effects get more important as enemies scale Base elemental damage don’t scale well into “late-game” when enemies grow higher in level – instead…

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Must-have weapons build examples and mod-setups in Warframe

Must-have weapons build examples and mod-setups in Warframe

Alright, so to kick this article off, I’m just going to give a short overview of what it will cover and contain content-wise. We will walk you through builds I, myself, am using at this moment for those weapons listed in the article “Must-have weapons in Warframe” where we listed a few weapon examples that I have good experience with and consider strong alternatives. First we start off by analyzing base stats of a weapon to find potential viable builds and…

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DMG System (2.0) in Warframe

DMG System (2.0) in Warframe

This article is to explain and give insight to all that the Damage system in Warframe entails, such as Puncture, Slash and Impact base damage, as well as Elemental damage (Heat, Cold, Electricity and Toxin) and Elemental Combo damage (Blast, Corrosive, Radiation, Viral, Magnetic and Gas) – and Finisher damage (bypass shields and armor and goes straight onto health), yellow, orange and red crits. The Damage system in Warframe can be thought of as quite intricate and very complex, I will…

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Must-have warframe build examples

Must-have warframe build examples

In this article we will show you examples of how to build our “must-have warframes” for various purposes and point out what to max to give you some freedom when maxing, allowing you to experiment a bit more on your own if you’d like to :) Loki Stealth duration build example For this you want to max your Ability duration (obviously), as well as Ability effiency to easily renew your stealth. Speed modding can help if the goal is to…

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Must-have Mods in Warframe

Must-have Mods in Warframe

Warframe mods Aura mods: Mod: Description: Polarity: Price on Corrosive projection Enemy armor reduced by 30% at max rank – Polarity  10-15 plat Loot Detector Mini-map shows loot-crates +30 loot radar – Polarity  15 plat Energy Siphon Warframe energy regeneration +0.6 rate – Polarity  10-20 plat Rifle Amp Rifle damage increased +27% V Polarity  10 plat Steel Charge Melee weapon damage increased +60% V Polarity  10 plat NOTE: Aura mods increase amount of total mod-slots available to mod with on…

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