How to Forma in Warframe

How to Forma in Warframe

Forma is an item that can be used to modify and manipulate polarities of warframes or weapons in the game, making for more efficient mod-setups. Modding in Warframe works like so – you have 8 “main” mod-slots, and each one have the potential of having a specific “polarity” – the polaritys on mod-slots indicate what type of mod (mods have polarities in upper-right corner) will fit “best” into a particular mod-slot. By using Forma you can manipulate the default polarity setup of weapons, warframes etc. by changing a mod-slot’s polarity into one that favors the mod-setup you want to play with :)

It’s quite easy to Forma a weapon or a warframe you simply go to your arsenal and select the weapon or warframe you would like to Forma (gotta have crafted a Forma for this first), then you go into the bottom-right corner and choose “actions” then “Polarization”:

click actions in arsenal weapon upgrade
click actions in arsenal weapon upgrade
Polarization action
Polarization action

This will bring up your mod-slots where you can click on the one you wish to alter polarity for, for each click you do- the polarity scrolls through the possible polarities to choose from:

Polarization specific mod slot
Polarization specific mod slot

Important note to make: is that after you Apply the polarity change you want, the weapon or warframe will reset to level 0 and leveling it up to 30 again WILL NOT give mastery rank! You only get this one time PER weapon/warframe/companion/archwing.

A very useful reason to Polarize a warframe for example could be to alter your Aura slot Polarity, so that you can have for example Minus (-) Polarity, instead of V polarity – so that Corrosive Projection and Energy Siphons can be used effectively instead of something less useful :)

Important Note to make: is that its a very Tedious process to Forma something, and you gotta make sure you are 100% confident in your choice of Polarity because it will affect all the future builds you will make for that weapon or warframe, and redoing it is just a waste of time as well as a Forma.

TIP: There is however the option of “Swapping polarities” in Action tab for weapon/warframe/etc. which could be seen in the picture of the Action tabs above – which could help out if you are to place a polarity in the wrong slot so you don’t have to re-do the entire Forma process :P

Hope this information helped :) GL in your future endeavours!

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